Evolving Perceptions
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Action and Vision
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."
- Old Japanese Proverb
Monday, May 03, 2004
Haiku - Butterflies
Butterflies setting out
to cross the sea,
have disappeared:
My self comes back to me.

He is saying that all our thoughts are nothing but butterflies trying to cross the sea: they will disappear somewhere.

Have you watched your thoughts? If you have lived forty or fifty years, how many million thoughts have crossed the sea and disappeared? Every day, you go on creating new thoughts and they go on disappearing into the dust.

Only one thing remains with you, and that is your am-ness. Only you remain.

As a Zen poet has said, “Clouds come and go and the sky remains.” It never goes anywhere, it never comes from anywhere. You are the sky. Anything that happens in this sky is just a traffic — no need to be concerned about it, no need to be identified with it.

Osho: Turning In, #6

No-Thought for the Day
Man is born as a seed; he can become a flower, he may not. It all depends on you, what you do with yourself; it all depends on you whether you grow or you don´t.
It is your choice — and each moment the choice has to be faced;
each moment you are on the crossroads.

Sunday, May 02, 2004
Though my shanks are thin
I go where flowers blossom,
Yoshino mountain.
- Basho

What is Basho saying? “Although my legs are fragile, I will go anywhere in the inner space where flowers blossom. Even if it means climbing Yoshino Mountain, or it may mean diving deep into the Pacific Ocean — if flowers blossom there, I am going there. I am not concerned with my fragile body because inside, the body does not go; only your consciousness, which has no legs, which is not a material phenomenon.”

But if you decide that you will reach the point at the very center of your being...you will find tremendous color, psychedelic flowers, fragrance that you have never known before. Basho says, “Don’t stop before it, whatever happens. Risk everything and go to the place where flowers blossom.”

It is not about the outside world. Zen is not so interested in the ordinary flowers, which fade within hours. Its interest is in the eternal flowers that never fade. You have them deep in the valley of flowers, at the very center of your being.

Osho: Christianity: The Deadliest Poison and Zen: The Antidote to All Poisons

No-Thought for the Day
Love is a by-product of freedom; it is the overflowing joy of freedom,
it is the fragrance of freedom. First the freedom has to be there,
then love follows.

Let's share our perceptions and evovle together.


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